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March 05, 2006



But one of the odd things was that people with moderate to severe pain WERE helped by the combination, and in fact the combination out-performed Celebrex!

I am not surprised that the glucosamine/chondroitin combination helped. I know many people with RA who take it successfully, i.e. one tablet a day keeps their arthritis at bay.

If you have RA it is always worth trying. It works for the majority of people.

Richard Petty

Dear Roger,

Thank you so much for your comments.

I hope that I made the same point about some oddities in the trial.

There is more data to come, and the key will be to see if the supplements will prevent degradation of the joints and a reduction in the levels of circulating cytokines that can damage joints, blood vessels and the brain.

There's not much point in people feeling better if their cardiovascular systems are collapsing!

Kind regards,


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