Gentle reader, if you have been here before, you know that I am convinced that the laws of healing are evolving. I recently wrote a series of articles for on the tools of the new laws of healing. I wanted to post them here in case they may be helpful.
The tools of the new laws of healing 1: Acupuncture
The tools of the new laws of healing 2: Energy Medicine
The tools of the new laws of healing 3: Qigong
These articles encorporate research and information found in a number of the books that I have placed in my Amazon lists of the corresponding names. Links to these lists can be found here in the sidebar. I hope that you find these useful.
As always, if you have comments or questions, please leave them here. I enjoy the conversation.
Technorati tags: Acupuncture, Energy Medicine, Qigong,Homeopathy, Bach Flower Essences, Health