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October 02, 2006


Andrew van Oppen

Dr. Petty,

I suffer from IC and recently read your article "Vitamin D and IC" - in it you reference a vitamin D 3(BXL628) - is this available in the US? Should my Dr. know about this or is it new info? Can you email me your answer - Thank you.


Hi there,
is the Vitamin D you are talking about in the form of Viatamin D3 (cholecalciferol)?

I'm also an IC surfferer.

Richard Petty

I did indeed email the first poster that very day with this:
Vitamin D3(BXL628) is also known as Elocalcitol and is being developed by Bioxell. Here's a link:

I do not know the company personally, but as you will see, this Vitamin D3 analogue is still in development and some way off from being ready for scrutiny by the FDA and the regulatory authorities in Europe, Japan and the rest of the world.

We just all hope and pray that the initial promise in the laboratory is translated into something which will help people in desperate need of help.

The second comment is quite correct: the research is being done using a Vitamin D3 analogue.

I wish anyone with IC the very best, and I shall continue to ask everyone I know about new research or new treatments. The condition is very distressing for sufferers and their families and frustrating for physicians and other therapists who do not often have that much to offer.

Kind regards,


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