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December 21, 2006


Dr. Elizabeth Barhydt

I agree,
Death begins in the colon.

Keeping the colon clean and healthy is very important.
Diet is important also

Keep up the good work

In loving life Dr. Elizabeth

R.Russell is manufacturing and
distributing Bacteroidetes as a natural bacteria supplement for weight loss.

Richard Petty

Thank you for the comments.

On behalf of my many readers may I ask two questions?
1. I referred to a short piece that I wrote ( about a conference in London, at which some of the speakers warned that some products on the market did not contain the active ingredients claimed on the label. How do you guarantee the activity of your preparations?
2. Though I am very familiar with the use of probiotics - I first used them in, I think, 1982 - I am intrigued that you are already distributing Bacteroidetes as a natural bacteria supplement for weight loss. What evidence do you have that they are effective? I could not find anything on your website or from a search of the literature. If you have some data to share I would love to analyze it, and if it's of good quality I will go ahead and write about it, both here and in my articles.

Kind regards,


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