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January 15, 2007


Dr Travis Elliott

Nicely said. "Developing your intuition so that it acts as a delicate counterbalance to intuition" is the key to what I call wisdom-based healthcare.

I have been thinking a lot about integral medicine myself lately. One of the major pieces in my opinion is this combining of external scientific knowledge with an inner knowing.

Does a patient's (or your) intuition directly affect the office visit?

Richard Petty

Dear Dr. Elliott,

Thank you so much for writing.

We are clearly in complete agreement!

I work very hard to foster intuition in people, and I firmly believe that most people have most of the answers within them. At some stage during an interview I will always ask people to be still for a moment so that I can ask them of they have the answer.

If you do it in the right way, it's astonishing how often the answer pops up.

We still do all the regular tests and evaluations, but now what is different is that the patient is a full participant in the whole process.

Very satisfying for all concerned!

Kind regards,


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