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February 03, 2007



The American Institute of Stress and The Centers For Disease Control have both reported that up to 90% of all illnesses are due to stress. For many years I experienced several life threatening illnesses. I found the Institute of HeartMath and discovered that all of these illnesses were due to stresses I had been experiencing in my life. Learning and practicing HeartMath's scientifically substantiated tools and technologies literally saved my life. Additional information on HeartMath and how to prevent, manage and reverse the effects of stress, in-the-moment, achieve better health, more energy, improved mental and emotional clarity, and improved performance and relationships can be found at

Richard Petty

Thank you so much for writing.

I am sorry to have to disagree: that figure of "90% of all illnesses being due to stress," cannot possibly be correct. There is good evidence that around 70% of illness is the result of lifestyle choices. The rest being primatily genetic and traumatic.

I am thrilled that the HeartMath tools helped you, and you have a great website!

Kind regards,


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